Capital City Christian Church
PluggedIn IT Ministry
Searching Skills

Searching the Internet

Primarily Google, but not all. Include tips and techniques along with syntax and operators.

The Full List of 21 Google Search Operators

Operator                 Meaning
allinurl: / inurl:          the URL
allintitle: / intitle:      the Title
allintext: / intext:        the text
allinanchor: / inanchor:    the anchor text
filetype:                   file types
site:                       Narrow results to a site
related:                    Shows similar sites (being phased out)
info:                       Shows page info
define                      Gives a definition
The quotes (“”)             Search for a phrase
The minus (-)               Exclusion
Numrange (..)               Search for a range of numbers
Asterisk (*)                Stands for a word or a few words
AROUND (n)                  Proximity search
before:, after:             Date search


This is a biggie!

Search YouTube, Vendor sites and forums, Developer sites and forums...

Start with a search term

Look for words/phrases that are common in hits you do not want and add them to your search as exclusions. Do this several times as helpful.

Do not use stop words, even when it produces bad gammer.

combine operators and terms, and exclusion operators and exclusion terms to narrow in on the most helpful hits.

include variations on words and phrases;
ftp 'file transfer protocol'
wire sniffing monitoring logging recording

Parentheses. Rather than simply 'Linux', you can add more and more detailed and specific terms to zero in on what you are after. Be progressively specific:

Linux mint
Linux mint 2021
Linux mint 2021 ver
Linux mint 2021 ver 2.43

Google Specific