Capital City Christian Church
PluggedIn IT Ministry

Topics for Potential Projects

This is a list of the different areas and topics that could be considered for projects.

Each project would include 1) Research/learning, 2) Reporting/Documenting, and 3) Production Application (contribute to current production work or near-term implementation)

The final product can be in one or more forms. For example; manual action, printed material, video material, class presentations, podcasts, and so on.

While it would be easy to adopt and 'own' a topic, it is intended that each topic have start - implement - finish phases. The ongoing operation of a topic should be handed off whenever possible, and if not it then church staff must be cross-trained to perform that topic in production.

Projects that are ready to work on now

  1. Setup a local backup system with a second Synology NAS
  2. Setup and configure an Application Server
  3. Implement remote access services with RemotePC
  4. Updating and using the Inventory DB with all available info for all devices
  5. Test the security of specific types of hardware & software
  6. Backup, upgrade switch and client software and firmware
  7. Expand WiFi Mesh Router infrastructure in the gym area

Topics for research and documentation

  1. Running Ethernet cable in the building; guild-lines and crimping the ends
  2. Setting up a dedicated WiFi connection to the pavilion
  3. Using and managing the Street Sign. Document more about the process, guild-lines...
  4. Graphics Design using Gimp and Canva
  5. Video Design using camera/phone/screen, Kdenlive, etc...

Topics for later on

  1. Develop automation scripts (Perl & Shell) throughout the network for monitoring, alerting, and analysis
  2. Expand the pfSense firewall service
  3. Document the network wiring (switch lobes)
  4. Migrate WiFi hosts to wired where needed
  5. Plan and perform the DHCP reorganization
  6. Setup scripted; monitor, capture, and analyze packet captures during services for the purpose of identifying and remediating problems and inefficiencies
  7. Hardening specific hosts/services
  8. Evangelize video conferencing to our different groups

Topics 2023

  1. Redesigning our Social Media presence
  2. Redoing our DNS registration

Educating the congregation/community

  1. Develop a way to educate members about different IT issues such as; recommended actions, recommended apps, resources, Tips and Tricks, or specific technologies (password managers, to do lists, antivirus apps...). . This could be in the form of written material (handout, email), meetings/classes, and/or Facebook/YouTube videos, and/or website pages.
  2. Open Source software - rather than purchasing expensive software. LibraOffice (Win, Mac, Win), Firefox, Linux, and we can help with other types of software. This would be about 1) getting the word out, 2) Hand holding, 3) some degree of support for installing, 4) people would use documentation and YouTube for support. The things we promote would need to support Win/Mac/Linux.
  3. Security: anti-virus, anti-malware, social engineering, system hardening, system backups, system updates...
  4. Using a smartphone - iPhone/Android (Introduction to the basics)
  5. Home networking (WiFi, Mesh, Wired, fiber) (Ethernet, firewalls, IPs, DNS...)
  6. Care and Feeding of home technology (desktop, laptop, phones, printers...)
  7. How to find and view our online services live and recorded. Common problems, best practices...
  8. How to safely get rid of old computers (that still hold your personal information). Hint; wipe the storage media, all of it, completely, destructively!