Password Creation Laboratory

Suggested Password

Click inside this green box to
copy it's contents to the clipboard


This tool will help you generate complex random passwords, and it will also help you craft a password from scratch.

It does not log any type of activity, so you are the only one who has access to any passwords you create with this tool.

Manipulate the Suggested Password

The options below allow you to manipulate the candidate password shown in the green box to the left. You can also type or paste any string you like into that box and then manipulate it with the options below, or manually.

Manipulate Your Password Candidate

Include a non-alphanumeric character:
Swap the case of each alpha character:
Reverse the order of the characters:
Scramble the order of the characters:

Start With Something

You can paste or type anything directly into the green box above. But since clicking on the green box copies it's contents into your clipboard, make sure to move the cursor left or right with the arrow keys before typing.

~ OR ~

Generate a Password

To generate a new random suggested password, set the length you desire, the longer the better, and click the "Generate Password" button below.

Length of Password:


To create extremely crack resistant passwords that are easy to remember and use, there are a few steps/suggestions you should consider in addition to the ways you can create and manipulate a candidate password using the features above. The keys include; developing a password that an attacker is not likely to consider guessing, and the longer the better. However, these need to be balanced with the password/passphrase being something that is easy to remember and use.

One additional benefit is that assuming the password is extremely strong, you will be safe using it longer and in many situations.

Things to keep in mind;

Below is an example of a suggested process for createing passwords/passphrases that are crack resistant, and easy to remember.

'red rock blues'seed words/phrases
'red Rock Blues'first character > m and lowercase
'red Ro(k Blues'substitute for a special character (geeking)
'red Ro(k Blu3s'substitute for a numeral (geeking)
'red Ro(k $3lu3s'substitute 1 character with 2+ characters.
'$' selected due to ease of typing,
it also increases the length
'red Ro(k $3lu3s qwer'append keyboard pattern
'red Ro(k $3lu3s qwer 'append trailing space

We now have a 21 character password/passphrase that is extremely crack resistant and easy to remember.

Copyright 2021 William Ben Bellamy Jr