Leverage my knowledge, skills, and passion to re-develope TPF, post, and provide teaching sessions for my TPF framework. This is for my own enjoyment and satisfaction. Once in place it might develope revenue streams.
Because you are reading this I assume that you are practicing, studying, or wanting to explore the possibilities for home, office, and career. When I first considered pentesting as a career I considered all the areas that interested me such as, brain surgery, rocket science, and practicing law. But I decided that what I really wanted was something that was a challenge. So I chose technology to begin with, and then progresses through several aspects of tech until I discovered infosec. That took me from operations through installation, user support, programming, networking, network administration, web design, web administration, information security, and forensics.
The Vision and Possibilities
Onsite Training
Video Traning
A newsletter that has a fee
Key Points
What is pentesting
Who might want to use The Purple Files?
Being Completly Secure
You can never identify or protect against all possible attacks, both intentional and unintentional. (Expand on this point) But you can apply the 80/20 rule and say that you can expend 20% of you efforts and resources to mitigate 80% of the risk. That leaves your 80% to be directed towards zero-day exploits and other reactive activities.
The huge range of infosec topics and conserns
There are any number of areas you can apply pentesting to or specialize in. Each is valuable and each is demanding and each comprises only a small portion of the attack space of any system or environment. The focus and intent of The Purple Files is a systematic examination of the main attack vectors and weaknesses. And in the process provide detailed, clear, and useful documentation regarding the methodology and the steps and tools used in the methodology.
Systems are organic - they change and evolve without your permission or knowledge
The fact is that you as a security tech over a period of time cannot identify and remediate all attack vectors. Pentesting is a critical tool that allows you to identify and address a large percent of the actual risks and then manage them. Risk management is the point, not risk elimination.
Risk Management
Risk management has to do with taking practical and effective steps to reduce the risk a system is at to the point that the level of risk is acceptable.
Risk can be managed is several ways including; elimination of specific risk (patch a vulnerability, update software), transfer the risk to another party (insurance), minimize (keep effective backups, review permissions).
This course does not offer certification because that is not our space or focus. There are several worthwhile certification programs available that we would encourage you to pursue. However, our focus is on methodology and principals, which transend tools and technologies.
The pace of tech and infosec growth
Actually new technologies do not appear frequently. The foundational technologies such as protocals, hardware interfaces, languages provide the building blocks that are constantly being rearranged, reordered, and combined to produce the constant floww of "new" software, hardware, and techniques. This makes it critical that you master the foundational topics while remaining aware of emergent technologies, products, and projects.
Principals and Experience rather than tools and techniques
While many people work to learn about specific tools, specific environments, specific certifications, and other specialities my focus is to become farmiliar with most foundational technologies, the ways that they connect or interact to one another, and to approach the practice of pentesting with principals rather than a collection of tools. For that matter, your tool kit should be comprised of the software that helps you apply these principals.
The value of a pentest tool is not the size of the report it produces, or number of vulnerabilities it identifies, nor it's...