The Upcoming Session
Tech Yardsale
We are planning on holding a "Tech Yard Sale " on Saturday October 15 from 9:00 until noon in the main lobby. The church youth will help setup tables Friday afternoon, and carry stuff to to the lobby. They will also help tear down things Saturday afternoon. People will be invited to bring their own tech that day to sell, donate to the church, or trade. Everything left over will be put in the back of my truck and disposed of. Rather than pricing everything, we will just take any reasonable offer.
Your attendance is optional!
If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Tech Work Day
We are planning on holding a "Tech Work Day " in the near future. So, please take a look at your calendars and see which day (weekday or weekend) is good for you. We do not all need to be there at the same time, so see what is best for you. Plan on ~2 hours.
Your attendance is optional!
If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
FYI , I am working on a video that points out the odd and unusual network wiring and infrastructure we have. Much of it is not obvious, and even more is still unknown. How exciting! We will likely spend some time on tracking down cables on our work day, so that is where the video on "Ethernet Cable Testing and Toning" below will help out.
In an attempt to grow and become more effective, we are making some big changes to the ministry that are taking immediate effect.
Our weekly meetings are held on Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 until 2:00, and on Thursday evenings from 6:30 until 7:30. Besides changing from two to one hour sessions time, each session will have a different topic, though you are welcome to attend either or both.
Each session is intended to be an in-person meeting at CCCC, though video conferencing is available as requested. If you are unable to come to the church for any reason, or if the weather is questionable the video conference is available.
The Tuesday session will be higher level oriented topics such as using an application, getting this or that specifically done, and so on. The Thursday evening sessions will be get deeper into the weeds of specific tech topics such as networking tasks, managing network components, and so on.
We will also be removing the 'projects' component for the time being.
Topics will be posted here ahead of time. Your suggestions for topics are very much encouraged!
As always, please contact me if you have any question, problems, suggestions, etc!
Ben (